What is ElenaUSD (USE) | What is ElenaUSD token | What is USE token

In this article, we’ll discuss information about the ElenaUSD project and USE token

Introduction to Elena protocol

As Elena protocol is a 100% fair launch project, there was no VC, or pre-sale to raise capital for the expansion of the project, everything was self-funded by the founders. We have set up an eco-system vault for further development of ELENA.

We are introducing Elena Protocol and USE Stablecoin. The goal of USE is to peg to 1 USD. In the Genesis period, we will use DAI as collateral, 1 USE is 100% backed by 1 DAI. We are inspired by many outstanding algorithmic stablecoin projects, i.e. FEI, FRAX, FLOAT, and UST. With the combination of the best elements from those projects, we have created Elena protocol.


We will be using the core structure from FRAX, in the genesis period, 100% of USE is minted from DAI. In order to encourage liquidity providers in the early stage, providing and staking USE/DAI LP will receive ELENA, and this is the only method to obtain ELENA. Due to 1 USE is backed by 1 DAI in the early stage, the liquidity mining has close to 0 Impermanent Loss. After the genesis, the collateral ratio will be lowered and ELENA will play an important role to back USE’s peg.


At the moment, FRAX’s collateral rate is at around 85% to 90%. In an ideal situation, it should reach 0%, meaning that 100% of FRAX is minted by FXS. In this model, it is close to UST, as UST is 100% minted and redeemed from LUNA, which is the ultimate goal of USE.


The core structure of Elena protocol is inspired by FRAX, as the stability of FRAX is verified by the market. However, the collateral ratio of FRAX is not as good as it originally planned, as we can see it stayed at the range of 85%-90% for some time now. The main reason is that the volatility risk has been transferred to FXS, while FXS’s price at the moment is 100% decided by the market. There are many factors that are uncertain, including the volatility of the whole crypto market, as well as the emotion of the investors, this will still be impacted by the “bad weather”. Protocol Controlled Value (PCV) introduced by FEI, is a “visible hand” when the market is acting extremely, instead of exposure to 100% market risk, it is a more reasonable and better protocol to protect the whole system. This will achieve the goal to maximize the value and size of ELENA, for the investors, there is less worried about impairment loss by providing liquidity to USE/DAI. Compare with FRAX, 100% of the reward will be provided to USE/DAI liquidity pool, and ELENA’s liquidity is controlled by PCV. This makes Elena protocol potentially the highest APY in stablecoin mining.


We have implemented the “Oasis Vault” inspired by the design of Float Protocol. When USE is greater than 1 DAI, there are opportunities for arbitrage, the DAI used for minting USE will be saved in the Oasis Vault. This helps the efficiency of PCV, whereas having a direct impact on the liquidity of ELENA. In theory, the bigger the vault, the more stable the system, the better the liquidity of ELENA. When there is enough liquidity of ELENA, Oasis Vault + PCV will lower the collateral ratio, towards its ultimate goal, 0% collateral ratio.

In the future roadmap of Elena protocol, we will release a few products which use USE as stablecoin. Including synthetic assets, which creating more use cases for USE.

USE holders benefit from the mechanisms designed to create a high-fidelity peg and liquid exchange.

Protocol Design

As shown in the chart below, Elena protocol includes the following core units: USE Stablecoin, Oasis Vault, PCV, USE Pools, Staking, Incentive, ELENA Governance Token, and DAO.

USE Stablecoin

USE Token is an ERC20 Token with unlimited supply, adjusted by the market demand. USE as a stablecoin can be used in different use cases, i.e. exchange, store value, synthetic assets, lending, yield aggregators, etc.

Oasis Vault

Oasis Vault is the core module of Elena protocol, anyone can mint or redeem USE fixed at 1 DAI per USE. There is room for arbitrage due to the movement in the price of USE/DAI on Uniswap. i.e. When USE/DAI price is 0.9, you can purchase USE in Uniswap, and redeem it in the vault. Or if USE/DAI is trading at 1.1, you can mint USE with 1 DAI and sell it in Uniswap.


Vault can mint USE depends on the current collateral ratio. I.e. if the current collateral ratio is 99%, investors will need to provide 0.99 DAI and $0.01 worth of ELENA (assuming the price of ELENA is $10, then investors need to provide 0.001 ELENA), to mint 1 USE.


Investors can redeem USE from the vault. If the current collateral ratio is 99%, after redemption, investors will get 0.99 DAI and $0.01 worth of ELENA(assuming the price of ELENA is $10, then investors will get 0.001 ELENA).

Please note that redemption will be closed if the reserve ratio falls below the threshold. When this happens, the investors can only sell their position of USE on Uniswap. When there is enough reserve, the redemption function will be available again. Through the activate/deactivate redemption function, the system is more stable and better protected from unexpected events.

Collateral Ratio

Collateral Ratio means when minting, the percentage of DAI required. The ratio will be adjusted periodically. When USE/DAI is greater than 1, means that there is more demand for USE in the market and investors have faith in the project. The collateral ratio will be adjusted to a lower number. In contrast, if USE/DAI is less than 1, meaning that there is less demand in the market, the collateral ratio will be adjusted higher.

At Genesis, the collateral ratio is set to 100%, meaning that to mint 1 USE, you will need to deposit 1 DAI to the vault. In the fractional period, the collateral ratio will be moving in between 100%, and 0%. If we reach uncollateral period, the collateral ratio will be 0%.

Reserve Ratio

When USE/DAI is trading above or below 1, the vault will still mint or redeem at 1, there are opportunities for arbitrage, when doing so, the price is pushed back to 1. When the price is below 1, the result of arbitrage is the reduction of the reserve. We define reserve ratio as:

vaultReserve: the number of DAI in the vault.

swapPoolReserve: the value of liquidity pool, i.e. the number of DAI in USE/DAI pool in Uniswap

The reserve ratio is an indicator of whether the protocol can survive in a massive dump. If the ratio is too small, meaning it is under-reserved. In most cases, the protocol should have enough reserve, as mentioned above, there is a policy to stop redemption when the reserve is too low, as well as other designs to protect USE peg to 1 DAI in the long term.

USE Pools

There are two pools on Uniswap, USE/DAI, and USE/ELENA. We will support more tokens in the vault and will have different pools on Uniswap. In order to incentivize investors providing liquidity, we will be running a liquidity mining program for USE/DAI. USE/ELENA’s liquidity will be provided and controlled by PCV, ensure the pool has better liquidity and reduced slippage.


The price control system of the Elena protocol has two parts: Oasis Vault, and USE/ELENA liquidity pool. The vault aims to ensure the pegging system works in the long term. USE/ELENA is controlled by PCV, the goal of PCV is to maintain a highly stable, deep liquidity stablecoin system, which benefits investors in the long term.

Price Oracle

We will use Uniswap TWAP Oracle Price to determine the current price of USE and ELENA.

Eco-system Vault

The vault will allocate an additional 2.5% ELENA to the vault when minting and redeeming. As well as 20% on the profit generated to liquidity providers. Please note that the allocation will not be minted directly, it will only happen when a payment is needed. This is the maximum percentage that can be minted, the actual number to be minted can be smaller than the maximum planned.

The fund from the vault will be used in the following areas:

  1. Marketing
  2. Advisors
  3. Developers’ Salary
  4. Airdrop
  5. Strategic Partners


The governance for a fair launch project is crucial. We use ELENA as governance tokens, the holders of ELENA are able to participate in the governance.

Including but not limited to:

  1. New tokens in the vault
  2. Adjust PCV’s target and rules
  3. Adjust reward
  4. Upcoming synthetic assets
  5. Airdrops


Compare with Frax, which charges up to 0.45% for minting and redeeming, USE charges **0 fees **for both activities.


Off Peg

The key point of whether USE can peg to 1 DAI is if arbitrage works. If when the price USE deviates from 1 DAI, if there is enough room for profit. This requires the vault to have enough reserve. When there is not enough reserve in the vault, it is likely that the protocol enters a death spiral.

Reserve Ratio is an indicator of whether the current reserve is sufficient, as well as if it is in a balanced position with its liquidity. In most cases, the reserve ratio will increase over time. When the collateral ratio is 100%, its sell-off pressure is as follows:

s: the percentage of sell-off, i.e. if 0.2 means there is 20% USE sell orders to USE/DAI pool

rr: reserve ratio

As can be seen above, it is a sub-linear curve, when s increases, its underlying reserve decreases, but it is smaller than a linear model.

When the collateral ratio is below 80%, things get a bit more complicated. As the reserve ratio is 80% (less than 100%), after the first sell-off doing arbitrage, the seller needs to sell 20% worth of ELENA, which makes the 2nd sell-off. After the 2nd sell-off repricing, there will be the 3rd sell-off, the arbitrager keeps doing so until there is no profit for doing so.

Based on this, we have a new generalized formula

Based on the formulas above, we studied the relationship between sell-off pressure in different collateral ratio and reserve ratio. This helps DAO better in terms of evaluating the risk level of the current system.

Elena Protocol Fractional Phase Quick Start Guide

Elena Protocol will officially move into the fractional stage on April 26, 2021 (UTC), which means that Elena will become more valuable because each time when minting USE, Elena is needed. The amount of Elena needed will vary with the update of the collateral rate. When the collateral rate decreases, the amount of ELENA required for minting USE will increase. Our goal is to gradually reduce the collateral rate from 100% to 0%. Then ELENA will eventually be used to mint USE, so ELENA will be always needed.

In the beginning, we decrease the collateral rate to 99%. For instance, if we want to mint 100 USE, it requires $99 of collateral which are 99 DAI, and an additional $1 worth of ELENA. The system will automatically calculate the amount of ELENA needed, and finally, click MINT 100USE.

Here we would like to demonstrate how to obtain ELENA. We have released a customized Swap page as requested by our investors. Due to Uniswap’s front-end restrictions, users can only use USE to purchase ELENA. This is inconvenient. To make life easier, we made an enhancement based on Uniswap’s open source codes (Thanks again to Hayden, you changed the world!) by updating the token swap routing (We will compose an article to explain how this was done, which is another interesting topic).

Via the customized Swap page,  https://swap.elena.finance, all popular tokens, such as ETH, DAI, USDC, USDT, WBTC, CRV, FRAX, YFI, etc., and ELENA can be traded directly. The Swap page can be accessed through the navigation bar at the homepage.

The same as minting USE, when redeeming USE, we will get DAI and ELENA based on the current collateral rate, correspondingly.

When we enter the number of USE to be redeemed, the system will automatically calculate the DAI and ELENA that will be collected. One important thing to keep in mind: Redeeming is a two step action: 1. Redeem, 2. Collect. After clicking REDEEM button, you still need to click COLLECT button to claim back your tokens (DAI and ELENA) into your wallet.

This two steps design of redeeming is a best practice for security reasons to avoid some malicious attacks, such as flashloan attacks.

The USE/DAI liquidity providers can always get rewards. After minting USE, staking USE-DAI LP tokens on the Staking page will continue receiving ELENA rewards.

Elena Protocol Liquidity Mining Quick Start Guide

Step1: mint USE

The ELENA protocol will incentivize the liquidity pool of USE/DAI. USE token can be minted through DAI and ELENA. When the collateral rate is 100%, 1 USE is minted by 1 DAI. As the collateral rate decreases, the **_percentage of _**ELENA as collateral will gradually increase during minting USE.

Before minting USE, we need to Approve it first, and then we enter the amount of DAI we want to mint, and the amount of ELENA needed will be automatically calculated based on the current collateral rate. Subsequently, we confirm and click the Mint button, and wait for the execution of the contract after interacting with Metamask.

Step2: Staking

After we receive the minted USE token, we could provide liquidity for the USE/DAI pool in Uniswap. We can jump to the Uniswap pair page by clicking the “add liquidity” link as shown on the page. After providing the liquidity in Uniswap, we could return to the Staking page to stake the USE-DAI LP token we just received. Here you need to click the “+” sign to stake.

Next, we need to fill in the number of USE-DAI LPs we want to stake in the pop-up window, then submit after confirmation. Now your liquidity mining starts, and your rewards are automatically calculated.

We can check the earnings in the panel on the left and withdraw the rewards at any time. If we want to quit liquidity mining, we can also click “UNSTAKE” button to withdraw the USE-DAI LP tokens from the contract. Note that no fees will be charged during all actions, all you need to pay is ETH gas fee.

At last, on the home page, we can see all the data of the Elena protocol, such as the test data shown below, the current collateral rate is 95%, the price of USE stablecoin is $0.9971, and the price of Elena is $156.2227. In the upper right corner, we can jump directly to Uniswap to buy or sell ELENA or USE.

How and Where to Buy ElenaUSD (USE)?

ElenaUSD token is now live on the Ethereum mainnet. The token address for ElenaUSD is 0x147E3d644d53ADadD18a28201b91e2B98aEB7f94. Be cautious not to purchase any other token with a smart contract different from this one (as this can be easily faked). We strongly advise to be vigilant and stay safe throughout the launch. Don’t let the excitement get the best of you.

Just be sure you have enough ETH in your wallet to cover the transaction fees.

You will have to first buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Binance (BNB)…

We will use Binance Exchange here as it is one of the largest crypto exchanges that accept fiat deposits.

Once you finished the KYC process. You will be asked to add a payment method. Here you can either choose to provide a credit/debit card or use a bank transfer, and buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Binance (BNB)…


Step by Step Guide : What is Binance | How to Create an account on Binance (Updated 2021)

Next step

You need a wallet address to Connect to Uniswap Decentralized Exchange, we use Metamask wallet

If you don’t have a Metamask wallet, read this article and follow the steps

What is Metamask wallet | How to Create a wallet and Use

Transfer $ETH to your new Metamask wallet from your existing wallet

Next step

Connect Metamask wallet to Uniswap Decentralized Exchange and Buy, Swap USE token

Contract: 0x147E3d644d53ADadD18a28201b91e2B98aEB7f94

Read more: What is Uniswap | Beginner’s Guide on How to Use Uniswap

The top exchange for trading in USE token is currently 

There are a few popular crypto exchanges where they have decent daily trading volumes and a huge user base. This will ensure you will be able to sell your coins at any time and the fees will usually be lower. It is suggested that you also register on these exchanges since once USE gets listed there it will attract a large amount of trading volumes from the users there, that means you will be having some great trading opportunities!

Top exchanges for token-coin trading. Follow instructions and make unlimited money

  ☞ https://www.bittrex.com
  ☞ https://www.poloniex.com
  ☞ https://www.bitfinex.com
  ☞ https://www.huobi.com

Find more information USE

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What is ElenaUSD (USE) | What is ElenaUSD token | What is USE token
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