SQL Comments: How to Add Documentation to Your SQL Code

In SQL, comments are descriptions in the code that help users better understand the intent and functionality of the SQL command. For example,

/* This is a multi-line
comment in SQL. */

-- This is a single-line comment in SQL.

They are completely ignored by database management systems.

Types of Comments

There are mainly two types of comments in SQL. They are:

  • Single-line Comments
  • Multi-line Comments

Single-line Comments

In SQL, we use the double dash, --, to write a single-line comment. The comment starts from -- and ends with the end of line. For example,

-- fetch all records from the Students table
FROM Students;

Run Code

Here, the comment is

-- fetch all records from the Students table

Database systems completely ignore this line during code sql-execution.

Comments With Statements

It's also possible to include comments in the same line as an sql-executable SQL statement. For example,

SELECT * -- select all records
FROM Students; -- from the Students table

Run Code

Here, the comments are

  • -- select all records
  • -- from the Students table

Multi-line Comments

In SQL, a multi-line comment starts with /* and ends with */. For example,

/* selecting all records
from the
Students table */
FROM Students;

Run Code

Here, anything between /* and */ is a comment and is ignored by database management systems.

Comments Within Statements

Similar to single-line comments, it's also possible to include multi-line comments in the same line as an sql-executable SQL statement. For example,

FROM /* table name here */ Students;

Run Code

Here, anything between /* and */ is a comment and is ignored by database management systems.

Using Comments to Debug Code

Suppose, we want to skip certain SQL statements from sql-execution. In such cases, instead of removing the statements, we can simply comment it out.

This helps us to test our SQL code without removing them completely. For example,

FROM Customers; */
-- the above statement is ignored by DBMS

FROM Students;

Run Code

Here, SQL will only fetch records from the Students table while ignoring the command to fetch records from the Customers table.

#sql  #database 

SQL Comments: How to Add Documentation to Your SQL Code
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