DISKSPD: Windows Storage Load Generator Tool

DiskSpd is a storage performance tool from the Windows, Windows Server and Cloud Server Infrastructure engineering teams at Microsoft. Please visit https://github.com/Microsoft/diskspd/wiki for updated documentation.

In addition to the tool itself, this repository hosts measurement frameworks which utilize DiskSpd. The initial example is VM Fleet, used for Windows Server Hyper-Converged environments with Storage Spaces Direct.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.


The Releases page includes pre-compiled binaries (ZIP) and source code for the most current releases of the DiskSpd tool. The latest update to DiskSpd can always be downloaded from https://github.com/Microsoft/diskspd/releases/latest/download/DiskSpd.zip (aka https://aka.ms/getdiskspd).

What's New?


DISKSPD 2.1 7/1/2021

  • New -g<n>i form allowing throughput limit specification in units of IOPS (per specified blocksize)
  • New -rs<pct> to specify mixed random/sequential operation (pct random); geometric distribution of run lengths
  • New -rd<distribution> to specify non-uniform IO distributions across target
    • pct by target percentage
    • abs by absolute offset
  • New -Rp<text|xml> to show specified parameter set in indicated profile output form; works with -X XML profiles and conventional command line
  • XML results/profiles are now indented for ease of review
  • Text result output updates
    • now shows values in size units (K/M/G, and now TiB) to two decimals
    • thread stride no longer shown unless specified
    • -F/-O threadpool parameters shown
  • XML profiles can now be built more generically
    • XML profiles can be stated in terms of templated target names (*1, *2), replaced in order from command line invocation
    • the command line now allows options alongside -X: -v, -z, -R and -W/-d/-C along with template target specs

DISKSPD 2.0.21a 9/21/2018

  • Added support for memory mapped I/O:
    • New -Sm option to enable memory mapped I/O
    • New -N<vni> option to specify flush options for memory mapped I/O
  • Added support for providing Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) events
  • Included a Windows Performance Recorder (WPR) profile to enable ETW tracing
  • Added system information to the ResultParser output

DISKSPD 2.0.20a 2/28/2018

  • Changes that may require rebaselining of results:
    • New random number generator that may show an observable decreased cost
    • Switched to 512-byte aligned buffers with the -Z option to increase performance
  • New -O option for specifying the number of outstanding IO requests per thread
  • New -Zr option for per-IO randomization of write buffer content
  • XML: Adds a new <ThreadTarget> element to support target weighting schemes
  • Enhanced statistics captured from IOPS data
  • Added support for validating XML profiles using an in-built XSD
  • Added support for handling RAW volumes
  • Updated CPU statistics to work on > 64-core systems
  • Updated calculation and accuracy of CPU statistics
  • Re-enable support for ETW statistics

DISKSPD 2.0.18a 5/31/2016

  • update /? example to use -Sh v. deprecated -h
  • fix operation on volumes on GPT partitioned media (:)
  • fix IO priority hint to proper stack alignment (if not 8 byte, will fail)
  • use iB notation to clarify that text result output is in 2^n units (KiB/MiB/GiB)

DISKSPD 2.0.17a 5/01/2016

  • -S is expanded to control write-through independent of OS/software cache. Among other things, this allows buffered write-through to be specified (-Sbw).
  • XML: adds a new <WriteThrough> element to specify write-through
  • XML: <DisableAllCache> is no longer emitted (still parsed, though), in favor or <WriteThrough> and <DisableOSCache>
  • Text output: OS/software cache and write-through state are now documented separately (adjacent lines)
  • Latency histogram now reports to 9-nines (one part in one billion) in both text and XML output
  • Error message added for failure to open write-content source file (-Z<size>,<file>)

VM Fleet

VM Fleet is a performance characterization and analyst framework for exploring the storage capabilities of Windows Server Hyper-Converged environments with Storage Spaces Direct.

VM Fleet 12/1/2021

  • Fix cluster remoting issue during New-Fleet caused by work
  • Use timestamped logging in New-Fleet, simplify and de-colorize default output

VM Fleet 11/9/2021

  • Fix cluster remoting issues in Move-Fleet and Get-FleetDataDiskEstimate
  • Fix timing issue with Start-FleetSweep; always start from fleet pause to avoid triggering free run
  • Use uniqueness to guarantee Start-FleetSweep runs profile in case of repeat

VM Fleet 2.0.2 11/2/2021

  • Windows Server 2019/RS5 host operation now confirmed & supported
  • Read cache warmup for HDD capacity systems should now be faster

Set-FleetPause will wait for VM responses before completion by default (see -Timeout)

Several minor fixes including:

  • Disable Windows Recovery Console in fleet VMs
  • Fix: Show-Fleet IOPS view now aggregates all VM disk devices
  • Fix: clean up leaked/conflicting data collectors and blg automatically

VM Fleet 2.0 9/22/2021

  • major release and rewrite as a first class Powershell module
  • original script-based VM Fleet remains available at Frameworks/VMFleet1.0
  • see the documentation in the Wiki

Source Code

The source code for DiskSpd is hosted on GitHub at:


Any issues with DiskSpd can be reported using the following link:


Download Details:

Author: Microsoft

Official Github: https://github.com/microsoft/diskspd 

License: MIT

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DISKSPD: Windows Storage Load Generator Tool
1.05 GEEK