Docusaurus and Rise4Fun Plugins for Rich Documentation

This repository contains plugins for Docusaurus to support creating rich documentation for programming languages tools.

  • Read the documentation.


Install Volta, if you haven't got it installed already.

Once installed, Volta will automatically install the correct version of Node.js and Yarn for this project - no need to install them manually.

Install dependencies,

yarn install

To build plugins and final web site,

yarn build

To run a local development server,

yarn start

To create releases, use the semantic release commit syntax

  • feat: ... for a minor version bump
  • fix: ... for a patch version bump

Download Details:

Author: Microsoft

Official Github: 

License: MIT

#Microsoft   #data   #data-analysis #data-science 

Docusaurus and Rise4Fun Plugins for Rich Documentation
2.20 GEEK