This git tutorial for beginners is designed to teach you the git command line tool and how it works with github. This beginner git tutorial teaches github fundamentals and explains concepts like branches, pushing, merge conflicts and many other useful git commands. It goes through the git workflow and illustrates how git and github work on a lower level.

⌨ Common GitHub Commands ⌨
To create a new repository locally: git init
To add files to staging area: git add .  OR   git add ~filename~
To check status of staging area: git status
To commit new changes: git commit -m "commit message"
To create a new branch: git checkout -b ~branch name~
To switch between branches: git checkout ~branch name~
To merge branches together: git merge ~branch name~
To add a remote repository: git remote add ~remote name~ ~https://yourremoteurl~
To pull changes from a remote repository: git pull ~remote name~ ~branch name~
To push changes to a remote repository: git push ~remote name~ ~branch name~

⭐️ Timestamps ⭐️
00:00 - Introduction
01:22 - Git vs GitHub
03:00 - GitHub Workflow
07:09 - Git History and Branches
15:15 - GitHub UI Example
16:51 - Git Setup
18:53 - Basic Git Commands
24:24 - Branches
28:43 - Remote Repositories
33:08 - Global Config
35:09 - More Examples

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Git & Github Tutorial For Beginners - Full Course
8.90 GEEK