Apache Aries Journaled Events

This subproject provides an API (possibly as spec) and backends for journaled streams of events. These extend the publish/subscribe model with means to start consume from an point in the stored event stream history.


  • Provide traditional publish / subscribe semantics
  • Allow consuming a stream from any point in the history (given it is not yet evicted)

Non goals (to be discussed)

  • No coverage of extreme scaling like Apache Kafka. So no sharding support in the API (like partitions).


  • Messages sent to a topic must be journaled and must be available to all consumers
  • Consumers must be able to start consuming messages from any point in the history that is still available
  • If a consumer specifies a position that is not available anymore then it must start with the oldest message
  • Each consumer must receive messages in the same order they were sent
  • The journal of each topic may evict messages that are older than a certain retention time

Download Details:

Author: apache

Official Github: https://github.com/apache/aries-journaled-events#apache-aries-journaled-events 

License: Apache-2.0 license

#apache  #data   #data-analysis #data-science 

Apache Aries Journaled Events
1.05 GEEK