What is Jomon Inu (JINU) | What is Jinuethereum token | What is JINU token

In this article, we’ll discuss information about the Jomon Inu project and JINU token

Jomon Inu is the Original Shiba Inu, in the Japanese Tradition he is believed to be the origin of the Shiba Inu. Ensuring the security of our community, the liquidity pool tokens are locked away, 50% of the original supply has been burned, and every coin in circulation paid for in the open market (no transfers or pre-sale).

UPDATE - Community Takeover!

$JINU is now 100% community run. The original developer set it up as a scam, but did not anticipate how successful $JINU would be. After he sold all his coins, the community stepped up and regained control. We have verified that there are no suspicious wallets, transferred all assets, and fully taken over. We have a core team (all heavily invested) who are extremely driven, transparent, and communicative. Join our Telegram and ask us anything!

Community Held

Three days after the launch, only 3 holders held ~1% each, and nobody held more than 1.5%. $JINU is widely distributed across thousands of holders. It gives us a great community and no concentrated pockets of wallets.

Automated Frictionless Yield

Holders are rewarded through our automated frictionless yield feature that rewards users at 1% along with a blackhole attracting 1% which makes our token deflationary in nature.

Strong first 24 hours

The launch for $JINU went past everybody’s expectations. Within 24 hours, we had over 2,500 holders and an extremely engaged community! Bilaxy listed $JINU on their exchange based off it’s popularity, without us ever applying!

Donation Wallet

We have a donation wallet set up for marketing efforts, specifically contest giveaways, influencer marketing, TikTok ads, exchange listings, etc. A handful of our large holders are currently paying for everything out of pocket. So every little bit helps!!

Donation Wallet Address:  0xB108bCC1A45b88E6C83dfbA2Fb5B6382B6Ad1b6D


Getting a dog to the moon is no easy task, but we have a plan. Check back frequently for updates on what JINU has planned ahead!

First Satellite

  • Website Launch
  • 1,000 Holders
  • 1,000 Telegram Members
  • Marketing Campaign
  • 2,500 Holders

Community Takeover

Unexpected Asteroid Shower!

  • Control Over Assets
  • New Management Team
  • New Partnerships / Alliances
  • Rebranding
  • New ATH
  • 5,000 Holders


Time to Scale!

  • 5,000 Telegram Members
  • 25,000 Holders
  • 10,000 Telegram Members
  • New Detailed Roadmap

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I buy JINU?

You can buy JINU on Uniswap. First you need a digital wallet. You can get a free digital wallet from Metamask. Just search for it and install it on your web browser as an extension or the app on your phone. Once you have your account, you need to load it up with Ethereum. There are different ways to do this. Once you have your Metamask wallet setup, you can follow this link to do the swap.


Always remember to leave a little bit of Ethereum in your wallet to cover gas fees (transaction costs) when you want to sell your tokens. We recommend a slippage of 4% and to use Fast gas. If price is going up fast (as in every few seconds it goes up) use higher slippage.

Will JINU be listed on CG and CMC?

We have submitted applications to CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap. Since the original developer had submitted applications as well and there are multiple JINU projects (the original developer had created multiple coins and used the same website) there are delays in getting our listing. We DO have full control over the website and all the assets now, so we will get the listings. All this said, getting listed will have a minimal effect on our price since these are not usually price drivers. Our main focus is building up the fundamentals for JINU, implement word of mouth marketing, and when we get the listings, they will add an extra layer of verification. But we think the best verification is interacting with us in the community and seeing first hand what we are all about.

What happened to the original Dev?

JINU was originally set up as a pump and dump. Some might call it a rug pull… but a true rug pull drains the liquidity pool and the shares go to zero. In JINU’s case, the original Dev made a solid contract, burned the liquidity pool, renounced ownership, and burned the burn wallet. He did everything a legitimate coin would do.

But he also transferred a majority of coins to himself, across multiple wallets. He built a website that was a duplicate of other sites he has used in the past for similar schemes, and downloaded the logo and images off the internet.

He did an amazing job of pre-marketing JINU and it skyrocketed at launch. At the peak, he sold off all his shares and just bailed. He set it up that way from the beginning with no intention of building a long lasting token.

Our community members (all the people who got burned) got together and decided to take over the coin. The first task was to make sure that the coin was legitimate and completely clear of the original Dev. We verified that all the original transfers had been sold on Uniswap and every token was bought and paid for in the open market. We next took control of all the assets, including the website, Twitter, Etherscan ownership of the contract, etc. If we could not take control over an asset, we made a new version of it. We next built the core team, doxed ourselves to one another, and began working on the project as though it is a new coin. The coin is 100% in our control. All access and passwords are limited to three people right now, who are fully committed to the project and have zero connection with the original Dev.

Who is in the Core Team?
  • WorkHard – (Top 10 Holder) American, in his 40s, ex-investment banker and current business owner. Runs a CPG which manufactures and distributes products to supermarkets across the US. 20+ years experience in management, corporate finance, manufacturing/distribution/marketing, relatively new to crypto currencies, so he sees JINU as a company more than a token.
  • THE Craig – (Top 10 Holder) American in his 30’s, works in metal manufacturing for critical engineering. He has been involved and investing in the crypto space for over 3 years.
  • MoonRock – (Top 30 Holder) - American, in her 30’s, she has worked in Pediatrics for 12 years. She has been following and investing in the market for several years, and has recently branched out into the crypto space. She views JINU as a long term commitment to be part of an exciting, engaging community.
  • WOLF – (Top 10 Holder) German, in his 30s, ex-healthcare professional and current business owner for a multi-national CPG brand. Wolf has been involved in the crypto space since 2016 and investing since 2019. He has a solid foundation in creating business plans, marketing, project development and management.
What is the contract address?


How do we know that JINU is secure?

JINU is safe because anything that could have happened to it, already did. We have verified the following:

Is the liquidity pool locked?

The liquidity pool is not JUST locked… it is completely burned. So the coin can never, ever be rugged. The liquidity pool just means that there will always be a buyer if you want to sell, and there will always be a seller if you want to buy. The JINU and Ethereum in that liquidity pool will always be in there. So every transaction each member has is with the Uniswap pool, not with each other. And the ratio of JINU/Ethereum in the pool is what dictates price. Rug pulls are when the liquidity pool is not locked, and a developer sells all their shares, then pulls out all the money out of the liquidity pool, so nobody else can sell their shares. Since our liquidity pool has been burned (they locked it and melted the key), there will always be a counterparty to your trade.

Here is a link to the transaction:  https://etherscan.io/tx/0xd65b118901428982688665a2d6ed96026106a740be51ed7edc691b9617fb692c

Has the Dextools information been updated?

We have submitted all the updates to Etherscan. Dextools pulls all it’s information from Etherscan, so there is no way to update Dextools directly. Etherscan take 3-5 business days to process requests. In the worst case, if they need more information from us, we will resubmit and get on Dextools within 5 days. Estimated time right now is June 5 – June 12 for our Dextools to be updated.

Why was JINU delisted from Bilaxy?

The JINU team made multiple requests to Bilaxy to get delisted. We WANTED to be delisted and taken off the exchange for multiple reasons. After watching JINU’s price get manipulated by swing traders, we realized Bilaxy was the main cause of this. 24 hour trading volume on Bilaxy was 232 Eth (vs 15 Eth on Uniswap). To put things in perspective, Kishu, which is 400x JINU, had Bilaxy trading volume of 650 Eth, and Keanu had 0.5 Eth. It made no sense why our volume was so high other than market makers manipulating our price, making it impossible to go higher.

Although we are not sure, there is a chance the original Dev (who applied for us to be in Bilaxy) had arranged a free market making account and was able to still profit at our loss. Coincidentally, the minute we delisted from Bilaxy, we received a wave of FUD… which only confirmed we made the right choice.

Can I transfer coins from Bilaxy to Uniswap?

Yes, you can transfer your coins to any digital wallet. There is a 4% withdrawal fee (but you saved a good amount originally with low/no trading fees). The transfer takes a few minutes to a few hours. We do not plan on getting back onto Bilaxy anytime soon, so it is best to transfer. Once your shares are out, you can always trade them on Etherscan for Ethereum or any other coin. Although it’s probably best to hold onto them for now!

Has JINU applied to be listed on new exchanges?

We are not currently applying to any centralized exchanges. There is a time and place for everything and in order to be successful at a centralized exchange, you need a solid price and high trading volume. With our current market cap and holder base, it puts us in a lot of risk. Getting listings on exchanges is essentially gaining distribution. If you started a small business selling a product, would it be a good move or a bad move to get into Walmart? That is a deal that can build your business up tremendously if you’re ready for it. But if you’re not ready, it will completely destroy you. The same is true for listing on exchanges. We are in this for the long run and even though we all want to see JINU on all the exchanges, we are making the strategic decision to list when it will benefit JINU the most.

Does JINU have a road map?

We are currently putting together a Road Map, but it’s more of a task list. With a young token like ours, especially having gone through a community takeover, there are a lot of moving targets. We need to be nimble, creative and ready to pivot at a moment’s notice. That’s why it is much more important to feel confident and connected with the team as opposed to a written roadmap as it’s still constantly changing.

How can I find out the latest news and announcements about JINU?

The best way to stay up to date is by visiting or Telegram. We are always online and interacting non-stop.

TOKEN - Max Supply: 100,000,000,000,000,000

How and Where to Buy JINU ?

JINU token is now live on the Ethereum mainnet. The token address for JINU is 0x439dd02bFd144A5d6A5967895358E0d25d5ab784. Be cautious not to purchase any other token with a smart contract different from this one (as this can be easily faked). We strongly advise to be vigilant and stay safe throughout the launch. Don’t let the excitement get the best of you.

Just be sure you have enough ETH in your wallet to cover the transaction fees.

You will have to first buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Binance (BNB)…

We will use Binance Exchange here as it is one of the largest crypto exchanges that accept fiat deposits.

Once you finished the KYC process. You will be asked to add a payment method. Here you can either choose to provide a credit/debit card or use a bank transfer, and buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Binance (BNB)…


Step by Step Guide : What is Binance | How to Create an account on Binance (Updated 2021)

Next step

You need a wallet address to Connect to Uniswap Decentralized Exchange, we use Metamask wallet

If you don’t have a Metamask wallet, read this article and follow the steps

What is Metamask wallet | How to Create a wallet and Use

Transfer $ETH to your new Metamask wallet from your existing wallet

Next step

Connect Metamask wallet to Uniswap Decentralized Exchange and Buy, Swap JINU token

Contract: 0x439dd02bFd144A5d6A5967895358E0d25d5ab784

Read more: What is Uniswap | Beginner’s Guide on How to Use Uniswap

The top exchange for trading in JINU token is currently Uniswap v2

Find more information JINU

WebsiteExplorerSocial ChannelCoinmarketcap

🔺DISCLAIMER: The Information in the post isn’t financial advice, is intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Trading Cryptocurrency is VERY risky. Make sure you understand these risks and that you are responsible for what you do with your money.

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What is Jomon Inu (JINU) | What is Jinuethereum token | What is JINU token
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