This comprehensive video course will teach you everything you need to know to build microservices-based applications using .NET. You will learn about the microservices architecture, how to design and implement microservices, and how to deploy and manage microservices-based applications.

This course is perfect for beginners who have no prior experience with microservices. You will learn everything from the basics of microservices to advanced topics such as communication between microservices, failure handling, and monitoring.

By the end of this course, you will be able to build and deploy scalable and reliable microservices-based applications using .NET.

Learn the foundational elements of a microservices architecture in this beginner level course where you will incrementally build a real microservices based application with the .NET platform and C#, step by step.

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
00:00 Module 1: Welcome to the course!
04:38 Development environment setup
12:25 Customizing VS Code for C# Development
17:23 What's wrong with the monolith?
25:18 What are microservices?

35:04 Module 2: Your first microservice
35:39 Creating a microservice via the .NET CLI
45:32 Introduction to the REST API and DTOs
47:21 Adding the DTOs
50:38 Adding the REST API operations
01:15:43 Handling invalid inputs

01:26:50 Module 3: Adding database storage
01:27:37 Introduction to the repository pattern and MongoDB
01:29:59 Implementing a MongoDB repository
01:44:04 Using the repository in the controller
01:54:57 Introduction to Docker
01:56:43 Trying out the REST API with a MongoDB container
02:09:36 Introduction to Dependency Injection and Configuration
02:14:33 Implementing dependency injection and configuration

02:31:26 Module 4: Preparing for the next microservice
02:32:23 Using Postman
02:47:47 Reusing common code via NuGet
02:51:58 Refactoring into a generic MongoDB repository
03:02:48 Refactoring MongoDB registration into extension methods
03:09:53 Moving generic code into a reusable NuGet package
03:25:50 Introduction to Docker Compose
03:28:10 Moving MongoDB to docker compose

03:39:04 Module 5: Synchronous inter-service communication
03:39:58 Creating the Inventory microservice
04:06:33 Introduction to synchronous communication
04:10:15 Implementing synchronous communication via IHttpClientFactory
04:22:01 Understanding timeouts and retries with exponential backoff
04:25:31 Implementing a timeout policy via Polly
04:35:27 Implementing retries with exponential backoff
04:46:39 Understanding the circuit breaker pattern
04:49:45 Implementing the circuit breaker pattern

04:56:22 Module 6: Asynchronous inter-service communication
04:57:17 Introduction to asynchronous communication
05:07:09 Defining the message contracts
05:10:55 Publishing messages via MassTransit
05:22:07 Standing up a RabbitMQ docker container
05:29:50 Refactoring MassTransit configuration into the reusable NuGet package
05:40:57 Consuming messages for eventual data consistency
06:01:40 Removing the inter-service synchronous communication

06:16:18 Module 7: Initial Frontend Integration
06:16:48 Installing Node.js
06:19:59 Getting started with the frontend
06:34:41 Understanding CORS
06:40:36 Adding the CORS middleware
06:47:03 Exploring the frontend to microservices communication

07:05:04 Next Steps

#dotnet  #microservices 

.NET Microservices for Beginners: A Comprehensive Course
1.45 GEEK