FX-Upscale: Swift and Metal-Powered Video Upscaling

↕️ FX-upscale

Metal-powered video upscaling


USAGE: fx-upscale <url> [--width <width>] [--height <height>]

  <url>                   The video file to upscale

  -w, --width <width>     The output file width
  -h, --height <height>   The output file height
  -h, --help              Show help information.
  • If width and height are specified, they will be used for the output dimensions
  • If only 1 of width or height is specified, the other will be inferred proportionally
  • If neither width nor height is specified, the video will be upscaled by 2x

[!NOTE] When upscaling videos to >4k, .mp4 files will be converted to .mov and h264 or hevc codecs will be re-encoded as proRes422. This is due to the fact that macOS struggles to play back >4k video h264 and hevc files, and h264 and hevc codecs only support up to ~8k. If you have a use case for creating >4k h264/hevc .mp4's, please open an issue.



brew install finnvoor/tools/fx-upscale


mint install finnvoor/fx-upscale


Download the latest release from releases.

Download Details:

Author: finnvoor
Source Code: https://github.com/finnvoor/fx-upscale 
License: CC0-1.0 license

#swift #video 

FX-Upscale: Swift and Metal-Powered Video Upscaling
1.55 GEEK