SimpleToDo: A Swift App for Managing Tasks

iOS To-Do List App in SwiftUI


This To-Do List application is developed for iOS using SwiftUI, providing users with an intuitive way to manage their tasks.

Empty ToDo ListAdd some Items to ListMark ToDos completedDelete Unecessary ToDos


  • Task Listing: Displays an organized list of tasks in a user-friendly interface.
  • Task Addition: Allows users to easily add new tasks with a name and a simple button tap.
  • Task Completion: Enables tasks to be marked as completed with a tap.
  • Task Deletion: Features a swipe-to-delete option to remove tasks from the list.
  • Advanced Sorting: Offers the ability to organize tasks based on their creation or completion dates.

Setup and Installation


  • Xcode 15
  • Swift 5.9
  • An iOS emulator or actual device for testing purposes (iOS 15.6+)

Installation Steps:

Clone the repository:

Navigate into the project directory and then open ToDo App.xcodeproj with Xcode.

Build and then run the app either on an emulator or your own device.


  1. Adding a Task: Type the name of the task into the input field and then press the "Add" button.
  2. Marking a Task as Completed: Just tap on the task within the list.
  3. Deleting a Task: Swipe to the left on the desired task and choose "Delete".
  4. Editing a Task: Long press on the task to edit it.


  • SwiftUI 3.0
  • CoreData
  • Unit Tests with XCTest Framework

Download Details:

Author: Dark-Alone
Source Code:  
License: MIT license

#swift #ios #swiftui 

SimpleToDo: A Swift App for Managing Tasks
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