VS Code Extension: Azure Static Web Apps

Use this extension to quickly create and manage Azure Static Web Apps (Preview) directly from VS Code.

Visit the wiki for additional information about the extension.

Create your first static web app

Click the '+' button in the explorer to setup a new static web app

Debug static web app with a dynamic configuration

Authorize access to your GitHub account so the extension can find your repositories

Create Static Web App

Create Static Web App

Select a repository and branch that will be deployed to the static web app

If your local project has a remote configured, the extension will default to that repository

Provide the app folder name

Location of your application code. For example, '/' represents the root of your app, while '/app' represents a directory called 'app'.

Provide the api folder name (optional)

Location of your Azure Functions code. For example, '/api' represents a folder called 'api'. If you don't have an Azure Functions project yet, don't worry! This is optional so just leave this blank.

Provide the build artifact folder name

The path of your build output relative to your apps location. For example, setting a value of 'build' when your app location is set to '/app' will cause the content at '/app/build' to be served.

Updating your static web app

Commit and push your changes to the GitHub repository that your static web app is configured to. It will then use GitHub Actions to update your app.

If you create a pull request through GitHub, GitHub Actions will create a staging environment with your new changes live. Your Production environment and staging environments are all listed within your Static Web App as well as application settings.

IMPORTANT: The application settings only apply to the backend API of an Azure Static Web App.

Static Web App Environments

Create a HTTP Function for your static web app

You can add a serverless API to your static web app by creating a HTTP Functions project.

Open your static web app project in your Visual Studio Code workspace

Select the button to create a new HTTP Function

Create HTTP Function

Provide a HTTP Function name that is unique to your API

If this is your first HTTP Function, select a language for your API

Select Language


There are a couple of ways you can contribute to this repo:

  • Ideas, feature requests and bugs: We are open to all ideas and we want to get rid of bugs! Use the Issues section to either report a new issue, provide your ideas or contribute to existing threads.
  • Documentation: Found a typo or strangely worded sentences? Submit a PR!
  • Code: Contribute bug fixes, features or design changes:
    • Clone the repository locally and open in VS Code.
    • Install TSLint for Visual Studio Code.
    • Open the terminal (press CTRL+`) and run npm install.
    • To build, press F1 and type in Tasks: Run Build Task.
    • Debug: press F5 to start debugging the extension.


Before we can accept your pull request you will need to sign a Contribution License Agreement. All you need to do is to submit a pull request, then the PR will get appropriately labelled (e.g. cla-required, cla-norequired, cla-signed, cla-already-signed). If you already signed the agreement we will continue with reviewing the PR, otherwise system will tell you how you can sign the CLA. Once you sign the CLA all future PR's will be labeled as cla-signed.

Download Details:

Author: Microsoft

Official Github: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-azurestaticwebapps 

License: MIT

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VS Code Extension: Azure Static Web Apps
1.10 GEEK