Cayley: An Open-source Graph Database

Cayley is an open-source database for Linked Data. It is inspired by the graph database behind Google's Knowledge Graph (formerly Freebase).


  • Built-in query editor, visualizer and REPL
  • Multiple query languages:
  • Modular: easy to connect to your favorite programming languages and back-end stores
  • Production ready: well tested and used by various companies for their production workloads
  • Fast: optimized specifically for usage in applications


Rough performance testing shows that, on 2014 consumer hardware and an average disk, 134m quads in LevelDB is no problem and a multi-hop intersection query -- films starring X and Y -- takes ~150ms.



Download Details:

Author: Cayleygraph
Source Code: 
License: Apache-2.0 license

#go #golang #graph #data #database 

Cayley: An Open-source Graph Database
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