Weploy Translate: AI-Powered Multilingual Mastery


Translate your website with AI. Visit our website for more information: Weploy.ai.

Translate your website with AI. Visit our website for more information: Weploy.ai.

✅ Simple setup (recommended)

  • Add the following script before the closing body tag.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/weploy-translate/dist/weploy-translate.js" data-weploy-key="YOUR_PROJECT_KEY" ></script>

if you dont want to your page to be autoamticly translated into other languages add: data-disable-auto-translate="true" to you tag. See more here.

  • Add the language selector. This is how the user can select a language.
<div id="weploy-select"></div>

Exclude text from beeing translated

If you want to exclude text from beeing translated, just add "weploy-exclude" as a class to the parent element.

<div className="weploy-exclude">Don't translate me</div>

Disable auto translate on first time visit

By default, weploy-translate will auto translate your website based on user's browser language on first time visit.

If you want to disable auto translate, you can add data-disable-auto-translate="true" attribute to the script tag

<script src="https://unpkg.com/weploy-translate/dist/weploy-translate.js" data-weploy-key="YOUR_PROJECT_KEY" data-disable-auto-translate="true"></script>

Download Details:

Author: Desentio
Source Code: https://github.com/desentio/weploy-translate 
License: ISC

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Weploy Translate: AI-Powered Multilingual Mastery
1.40 GEEK