SplitEaseApp: A Swift Solution for Splitting Bills

SplitEase App

SplitEase is a simple SwiftUI-based iOS app for splitting bills and calculating the amount to be paid by each person. You can enter the total bill amount, the number of people, and choose a tip percentage to get the individual share for each person.


  • Enter the total bill amount in your local currency.
  • Select the number of people for splitting the bill.
  • Choose a tip percentage to calculate the individual share.
  • The app provides a total per person amount.

How to Use

1. Open the app.

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 1 43 34 PM Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 1 44 18 PM

2. Enter the total bill amount in the "Total Amount" field.

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 1 45 36 PM

3. Select the number of people who are splitting the bill.

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 1 46 12 PM

5. Choose the desired tip percentage.


Within split seconds the app will automatically calculate the total amount to be paid by each person and display it.


Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 1 46 33 PM

Download Details:

Author: RohanKadve
Source Code: https://github.com/RohanKadve/SplitEaseApp 

#swift #ios #swiftui 

SplitEaseApp: A Swift Solution for Splitting Bills
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