This HTML full course will cover what is HTML, HTML classes and IDs, dropdown in HTML, content boxes in HTML, HTML image slider, HTML navigation bar, HTML registration form, and a web design tutorial using HTML.

What is HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)?
HTML is the most widely used language for developing web applications. It was created by Berners-Lee in the year 1991 but was first published in 1995. HTML 4 was a popular breakthrough version and got published in 1999. This version gained a lot of popularity and was adopted all over the globe for developing web applications. HTML 5 is the current version and was published in 2012. HTML is critical for web development, and if you’ve ever thought about choosing that career path, you’d unquestionably have come across this language. And that’s probably why you are here in the first place.

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is used for creating websites and web applications. Let’s break it down, so we understand the name better:
HyperText: HyperText refers to the “text wrapped within a text.” It is very similar to hyperlink and contains an underlying text that, when clicked, redirects to a new webpage.

Markup Language: A markup language is not necessarily a programming language. Instead, it is used to apply formatting and layout to a simple text document. This leads to more interactive and dynamic text content. Web Page: A web page is a document that is commonly coded in HTML and rendered by a web browser. Every web page is identified by a URL and can be static or dynamic according to the requirements. If we are only using HTML for development, we can create static web pages.

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Learn HTML - HTML Tutorial For Beginners - Full Course
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