Nexus-Store: A Swift App for Game Lovers


It is an E-Commerce Application that presents products from different vendors and enables the authenticated users to add/remove products to/from their shopping carts and complete the whole shopping cycle online through the app.

Demo Video

Nexus Store (User Demo)


Nexus Admin (Admin Demo)



Nexus Store (User App)

  • GuestMode
  • CreateanaccountemailandpasswordorGoogleaccount
  • Sign In with email and password or Google account
  • Home
    • Userinformation(email) 2. ShowAllBrands
    • ShowCoupons
    • Search
  • Category
    • Classifymaincategory(Men,Women,Kids,Sales)
    • Classify subcategory (All, T-Shirt, Shoes, Accessories)
    • Showproductdependingonmaincategoryandsubcategory
    • Filteringwithpriceandalphabetic
    • Search
  • Profile
    • ShowUserinformation
    • Display Orders
    • DiplayWishlist
  • Settings
    • AboutUS
    • ContactUS
    • ChangeCurrency
    • Display Address (delete and add new one)
    • SignOut
  • ProductDetails
    • Diplays images for product
    • Showinformation(productname,brandtype,descrption)
    • Display Available quantity and color
    • Selectquantityaccordingtoavailability
    • AddtoCart
    • AddtoWishlist
    • ShowReviews
  • Wishlist
    • Display wishlist products
    • Deleteproductfromwishlist
    • NavigatetoProductDetails
  • Payment
    • Cart
      • Showallproductsthatuseradded
      • Display total price
      • Update product quantity according to availability
      • Deleteproductfromcart
    • ShippingAddress
      • Display User addresses
      • Addnewaddress
      • Select address for shipping
    • PromoCode
      • Check availability of the precence of discount code
      • Apply promo code on the order
      • Show orders to confirm payment
      • Gotopayprocess
    • Pay
      • Check the availability of the total amount in pocket
      • Choose payment methods (Cash on delivery, Apple Pay, PayPal)
      • Pay and Sending order information mail

Nexus Admin

  • Home
    • Can display brands
    • Display Brand products
    • Display, Add, delete or edit products
    • Edit product Details include for example: size, color, quantity, name, images, details
    • Display, Add, delete or edit inventory items
    • Add products to specific Brand
  • PromoCode
    • Display, Add, delete Promo code


  • Apple Pay
  • Delegate Design Pattern
  • Singleton Design Pattern


Most of dependencies are installed using Cocoapods, and others installed using Swift Package Manager

Download Details:

Author: Ayman-Naim
Source Code: 

#swift #ios #project 

Nexus-Store: A Swift App for Game Lovers
1.30 GEEK